my business story
We live in a world where time is worth its weight in gold, and what matters most is being concise. However, behind every concise point, there’s a story worth telling. With nearly 20 years of business experience and a passion for storytelling, my professional journey is neither quick, short, nor simple. Especially because I firmly believe that our professional skills are more reflected in our experiences than in documented achievements — particularly in the career path I have chosen for myself.
In theory, this is where our career path begins. In my case, things didn’t go as I had envisioned back then, but from today’s perspective, I know that there are no coincidences. Only now, when I look at all the diplomas I have earned, do I see from a distance how everything has come together and serves me well in what I do today.
I am a humanities scholar by education and by nature. I have always been, and will always be, focused on PEOPLE and their stories. In this way, my story comes full circle to what I do today.
bachelor’s studies, UW // no graduation
Journalism and social communication
bachelor’s degree, SWPS // 2012
Project managament /marketing spec/
master degree, SGH // 2014
Communication for Influence & Impact
cetrificate, Cabridge University // 2021
Personal Brand Creation
certificate // Preta Create
Group Trainer and Leader
postgraduate, SWPS & LPS // 2023
studies, Wszechnica UJ // 2024
Internal Facilitator // Hexagon
Soft Skills & Processes Trainer
Internal Trainer // Hexagon
Communication & Product Marketing
Affairs Manager // Hexagon
Brand Creation
Head of marketing // WM Fono
Social Media
Coordinator & creator // Apart // Viacom
Marketing & Communications
Specialist // Intergraph Sp zo.o.
Public Relations
Intern // UPC // Advanced PR
experience // the Viewer
I have always been connected to marketing and broadly understood communication. Internal, external, visual, and verbal communication. I am better at creativity, soft skills, and relationships than at numbers and analysis. I invent, create, and design mood boards, visuals, and strategies. I tend to take a bird’s-eye view and look at things from a broader perspective, always asking myself: how the person on the other side will perceive what I create, keeping in mind the emotions that drive us, the recipients.
I value an approach that focuses not on specific knowledge but on skills. I have worked in various industries, often unrelated to each other, and this approach has always proven successful.
passion // the Artist
When talking about my professional experience, I cannot overlook the passion that, in a way, connects with what I do and have done daily. My passion lies in words and images, as well as the stories that can be conveyed through them. I love to create, write, and design. I enjoy organizing, planning, evoking emotions, and building experiences. Because in the end, it’s always about what we experience along the way.
In my professional world, I enjoy combining art with business. However, my greatest passion is understanding myself and others. After all, every good relationship is based on this understanding. Without relationships, there is no business, just as there is no good experience.
the stories of moi
Magazyn Moi
Concept Creator
small businesses
Awarness Trening
Laboratorium Psychoedukacji
behavioral // 1 year
psychodynamic // 4 years
systemic // ongoing
interpersonal trainings // x2
Bodywork workshop
Michael Randolph
always ongoing
self-development // the stories of moi
When working with people, especially supporting them in their development, I cannot imagine not going through the journey of self-awareness and self-discovery myself. I also believe it is high time to speak openly about such development. The relationship we have with ourselves influences our relationship with others and determines what kind of partner, companion, leader, or boss we are.
There can be no good collaboration without self-awareness. Regardless of the industry and knowledge acquired, the relationship we have with ourselves, as well as the understanding we have of ourselves, impacts every other relationship, whether it is personal or professional.